Katrina Kiklowicz (Director)
After a short detour into adulthood, Katrina is overjoyed to be back at home with “her people” and directing “Death Part 7: The Last Word”. Katrina has always had a fascination with the dark side, so when Jack asked her to come on board, she gave a resounding “Hell yeah!” without reservation.
Katrina is honored to have worked with such greats in the theatre and dance worlds as Sammy Dallas Bayes, Paul Sanasardo, and John Passafiume, and has directed such works as “West Side Story”, “No Exit”, and “Little Shop of Horrors”. Favorite choreography work includes “Chicago”, “West Side Story”, “Peter Pan”, “A Little Night Music”, and assisting SDB on Maryland Public Television’s Holiday Special “Anuna: Christmas Memories”. Katrina is currently in pre-production for two new musicals previewing in the coming months.